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Puzzle #21: "Looking Ahead" (with Matthew Stock)

Sid Sivakumar

While the debate rages on as to whether it's a new decade or just a regular old new year (it's clearly a new decade — who ever said "party like it's December 31, 2000"?), here's a mostly themeless 33×13 co-constructed with my STL puzzle pal Matthew Stock.

*As you'll notice, the grid pattern forced a lot of 3-letter words (which are all reasonable, I think) — but if you'd rather not wade through all those clues, I've provided a puz file with clues only for words that are 4+ letters long, except for a few 3s that cross each other. It's akin to a Downs-only challenge.

Matthew had his debut puzzle in the Los Angeles Times yesterday, so check that out too! I'm sure it'll be the first of many.


- Sid


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