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  • Sid Sivakumar

Puzzle #40: Themeless (by Brooke Husic & Brian Thomas)

Downloads: pdf, puz, solution

Today's guest themeless comes courtesy of Brooke and Brian — and is the counterpart to a themeless with the exact same grid pattern written by Brooke and me, hosted on Brian's site! Brian is one of the most intrepid themeless specialists working today — if you like themeless crosswords packed with fresh long entries and tricky clues, Brian should absolutely be on your radar.

Also — another quick plug for Boswords, which is being held virtually this Sunday, July 26th, and which features superb constructors and outstanding puzzles (including one by me!). No matter your perceived proficiency with puzzle solving, please consider registering — the crossword community is fantastic, and it should be a fun experience for everyone.


- Sid


From Brooke (@brookehus, @xandraladee):

Brian and I have worked together before, but this is the first of our puzzles that's out in the world. He's an absolute master: I've given him really awful, restrained corners and he's made something beautiful out of them. We're also an ideal cluing team in that our favorite clues to write are complementary. Turns out a full filling/cluing split works great for us too. Thanks to Paolo Pasco for dropping in for a cameo clue @ 10-D (the puzzle's best clue).


From Brian (@btcrosswords):

Sid and Brooke asked if they could guest post on my site — and since I adore their puzzles it was an easy yes! Not long after, Brooke and I decided to return the favor over here with the exact same grid pattern. Love working with both Sid & Brooke and I hope you enjoy the final product!


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