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Puzzle #43: "Key Change" (Themeless, by Adam Aaronson)

Sid Sivakumar

Downloads: pdf, puz, solution

Whew, what happened this past weekend? It was all a blur ... at least nothing unusual happened with my website while I wasn't looking. Right?

Anyway, today's themeless comes to us courtesy of Adam Aaronson, one of our Gen Z puzzle overlords. I'm amused by 39-A, which is a fun twist on a clue/entry we've often seen in crosswords — but ultimately smitten by the clue for 21-D, which you must absolutely investigate further after your solve.


- Sid


From Adam (@aaaronson):

I'm honored to be making my full-size puzzle debut at the supremely prestigious crucivenue that is Sid's Grids! This puzzle was sparked entirely by my irrational urge to put 39-A in a grid. I've been listening to Jacob Collier a ton lately, especially with his thicc new album Djesse Vol. 3 — I implore you to listen to the song in question at 39-A, preferably with a nice pair of headphones or Dolby surround sound. As soon as this puzzle came together, I knew it would be perfect to send to fellow music nerd Sid! Huge thanks to Sid for hosting the puzzle, and for more where this came from, check out my site!


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