Puzzle #31: Themeless (with Brooke Husic)
Downloads: pdf, puz, solution I was a little pressed for time this morning, but really wanted to seed a themeless with 1-A (for obvious...
Puzzle #31: Themeless (with Brooke Husic)
Puzzle #30: "On Your Marks"
Puzzle #29: Themeless (by Kyle Dolan)
Puzzle #28: Themeless
Puzzle #27: "Better Halves"
Puzzle #26: Themeless (by Brooke Husic)
Puzzle #25: Themeless
Meta Contest: Objectively Outstanding Puzzle Suite (with Matthew Stock)
Puzzle #24: Themeless
Puzzle #23: "Call Me By My Name" (with Matthew Stock)
Puzzle #22: "Not All Saints" (with Brooke Husic & Evan Kalish)
Puzzle #21: "Looking Ahead" (with Matthew Stock)
Puzzle #20: "Hidden Gifts"
Puzzle #19: Themeless
Puzzle #18: Themeless (by Matthew Stock)
Puzzle #17: Themeless
Puzzle #16: "Lickety Split"
Puzzle #15: "Running Hot and Cold"
Puzzle #14: Themeless
Puzzle #13: Themeless